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29 Sept 2023

Non Impact printers & Its Types

In this post you will learn about non impact printer. Firstly you read about printer and its categories. Than you read about non impact printers and types of non impact printers. At last , you read some FAQs about non impact printers. Now let's start.

Non Impact printers & Its Types

What is Printer?

A printer is an output device that prints characters, symbols and graphics on paper. The printed output is called hardcopy. The print quality of the printer depends on its resolution. Printer resolution is commonly measured in dots per inch (dpi). The  printers with higher dpi produce higher quality output.

Categories/Types Of Printer

Different categories of printers are as follows:

  1. Impact Printer
  2. Non-Impact Printer.

Non-Impact Printer

A non-impact printer prints characters and graphics on paper without striking paper. 

Some printers use spray ink while others use heat and pressure to create images. 

These printers are faster than impact printer. However, they are more costly than impact printers. 

They produce no noise during printing. The print quality of non-impact printers is better than impact printers.

Categories/Types of Non-Impact printer

  • Laser Printer
  • Inkjet Printer
  • Thermal Printer

Laser Printer

LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser printer  is a non-impact printer. 

Its  working is similar to photocopying machine. It uses laser beams to burn special powder on page to create a permanent image. The power is contained in toner.

Non Impact printers & Its Types

laser printer prints complete page at a time. It is also known as  page printer.  

The printing speed of laser printers is 5 to 300 pages per minute (ppm)The speed depends on the contents being printed. The contents being printed.

The plain text is printed faster than graphics. Laser printer prints text and graphics in high quality resolution. 

A typical laser printer provides a resolution of 1200dpi or more. It pints at higher speed than inkjet and dot matrix printers. 

It does not make much noise. Laser printer is mostly used in business field. 

Inkjet Printer

An inkjet printer is a type of  non-impact print.  It prints characters and graphics by spraying tiny drops of liquid ink on paper. 

These printers can produce quality test and graphics in both black-and-white and color including photos. 

A typical inkjet printer provides resolution of 300 dots per inch. The latest inkjet printers provide higher resolution. 

Non Impact printers & Its Types

The speed of an inkjet printer is measured by the number of pages per minute (ppm).  Most inkjet printers can print form 10 to 35 pages per minute. The graphics and colors are printed at a slower rate than text. 

The price of inkjet printers is less tan laser printers. However, they are slower than laser printers. Most inkjet printers usually have two or more cartridges. One cartridge contains black ink and the other contain colors. It is a popular type of printer of use at home.

101 inkjet printer
101 inkjet printer cartridge

Thermal Printer

Thermal printer uses color waxes and heat to produce images on special paper. the color wax sheets are not required for black-and-white output. Thermal printers are expensive and require costly paper. These printers are used to crate the highest-quality color printing.


I hope you understand the printer and its types. And you also learnt about non-impact printers

If you have any doubt or any question you can ask me in comment box.

FAQ about Non-Impact Printers

Briefly defined, what is a printer?
A printer is an output device that prints characters, symbols and graphics on paper. The printed output is called hardcopy. 

What are the different types of printer?
Different categories of printers are as follows:

  1. Impact Printer
  2. Non-Impact Printer.
What purpose does a printer serve?
A device that can print text or images is referred to as a "printer" in English. The primary purpose of printers is to display text or images on flat material, like paper in a range of sizes.

 Who created the printer?
The first automated printing press in Europe was created and built by Johannes Gutenberg.

What model of printer was the first?
Charles Babbage created the first computer printer in the 19th century for his difference engine, but it wasn't until 2000 that his mechanical printer design was really implemented.

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