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28 Sept 2023

What Is Computer Mouse? Define By ZK-TECH

The computer mouse, which is used to move cursors and make selections on a computer screen, is an essential component of graphical user interfaces. 

What Is Computer Mouse?

What is a computer mouse?

A mouse is a little device that a computer user drags over a desk surface to point to a location on a display screen and pick one or more actions to be performed from that location. 

When Apple Computer made the mouse a regular element of the Apple Macintosh, it became a frequently utilized computer tool.

The mouse is now an important part of any PC's graphical user interface (GUI). The mouse acquired its name because it was roughly the same shape and color as a kid's mouse.

Mice are commonly built with two buttons, a scroll wheel, and a laser sensor. They allow you to move the pointer, select items, and click buttons on the screen.

What Is Computer Mouse?

Types of computer mice

There are two kinds of mice: wired mice and wireless mice. Wired mice are connected to the computer by a cable, whereas wireless mice communicate with the computer using radio waves.

Although wired mice are more dependable than wireless mice, they might be more challenging to use with laptop computers and other portable devices. 

Wired mice are less handy than wireless mice. However, they may be more costly and have a lower battery life.

There are several different kinds of mouse, including the following:

  • Trackball mice. Trackball mice have a ball on the top of the mouse. The user moves the cursor on the screen by moving the ball with their hand.
  • Touch-pad mice. Touch-pad mice feature a flat, touch-sensitive surface. By moving their finger across the touch-pad, the user may move the pointer on the screen.
  • 3D mice. A sensor in 3D mice allows them to monitor the user's hand motions in three dimensions. The user may now interact with 3D items on the screen.

History of the computer mouse

Douglas Engelbart, a computer scientist at Stanford Research Institute, designed the first mouse in 1964. 

Engelbart's mouse was a wooden box that had two bottom wheels and two top buttons. A wire linked it to a computer.

The mouse did not become extensively used until the early 1980s, when Apple Computer released the Macintosh computer, which included a mouse as its basic input device. 

The Macintosh was the first computer to employ a graphical user interface (GUI), and the mouse was important for navigation.

Benefits of using computer mouse

There are several advantages to using a mouse, including the following:

  • Accuracy. For activities like clicking on tiny objects and choosing text, mice outperform other input devices like keyboards.
  • Speed. Mice are faster than other input devices for navigating the GUI.
  • Comfort. Mice are more pleasant to use for extended periods of time than other input devices.

Mice are key input devices for computers with graphical user interfaces. They are precise, quick, and easy to operate.

Features of computer mice

Mice have a wide range of characteristics and talents, including the following:

  • Buttons. Mice normally have two buttons, while some have three or more. The buttons may be used to do a variety of things, such as click on items, scroll through text, and activate menus.
  • Scroll wheel. The scroll wheel is a wheel situated between the two mouse buttons. It may be used to navigate through text or graphics.
  • Laser detector. Laser sensors are used to track the mouse's movement. Although laser sensors are more precise than optical sensors, they are also more costly.
  • Wireless connectivity. Wireless mouse connect with computers through radio waves.

What Is Computer Mouse?
Wireless Computer Mouse

What are the functions of a computer mouse?

A mouse is capable of doing the following functions on a computer:

  • Move the mouse cursor: A mouse's primary job is to move the mouse cursor on the screen in the desired direction.
  • Select: A mouse allows users to pick text, files, or folders, as well as multiple files, all at once. For example, if you wish to email many files to someone, you may choose and send them all at once.
  • Start or run a program: A mouse can be used to open a folder, icon, or other things. To open or run an item, you must first move the pointer to a file, folder, or icon, and then double-click on it.
  • Drag-and-drop: When you choose something, you can transfer it from one spot to another by dragging it. To use this approach, first highlight the file or item that you wish to transfer. Then, while holding down the mouse button, drag this file to the appropriate spot.
  • Hovering: When you move the mouse pointer over an item, the color of links changes, and by clicking on that link, you may go to the target page.
  • Scroll Up and Down: You may need to scroll up or down a page when reading a long web page or working with a huge document. You may scroll up and down your document page by using the mouse's scroll button; alternatively, you can click and drag the scroll bar.
  • Do additional functions: The majority of desktop mice feature buttons that may be programmed to do any purpose. Many mice, for example, feature two side buttons on the thumb section that may be configured to navigate back on web sites.
  • Playing a Game: A mouse allows users to play a variety of games, such as pursuit games, in which a mouse is used to pick certain items.
  • Combination Activities: A mouse may be used in a variety of combination activities, such as Ctrl + Mouse click to open a URL in a new window.
What Is Computer Mouse?
Wire Connection Computer Mouse


I hope you understand better the computer mouse and its functions, uses , benefits , history and types of computer mouse.

If you have any issue or any question than ask me in comment box. As possible as I can try to solve your issue. 

There are some FAQs you can check it out. thanks.

FAQ about computer mouse

How has the mouse made computers more usable?
You don't have to learn commands while using a computer mouse, unlike when using a text-based command line environment like MS-DOS. To access a directory (folder) and examine its files with MS-DOS, for example, you would need to know the cd and dir commands and input them on the keyboard. A Windows user, on the other hand, merely has to double-click to open a folder and view its contents.

What are the ports that used for computer mouse?
Serial Port 

Do smartphones make use of a Computer mouse?
Because smartphones and tablets employ touch screens as their primary input mechanism, your finger serves as the mouse on these devices. Most tablets also allow you to connect a computer mouse and utilize it on the tablet.

Which hand should I use to move the mouse?
A computer mouse is designed to be used with your right hand by default. It may, however, be configured to be used with your left hand if you are left-handed.

Where should I set my mouse fingers?
The illustration below depicts proper finger placement, with the index finger on the left button, the middle finger on the right button, and the ring and pinky fingers resting on the side. If your mouse has any buttons on the left side, the thumb controls them. The hand location is reversed if you use a left-handed mouse.

How can I use the mouse or practice using it?
To change the batteries in your mouse, slide out the bottom cover, replace the old batteries, and then reinstall the cover.

Mouse versus mice or mouses
When referring to one (single), call a computer mouse a "mouse." When referring to two or more (plural), use the term "mice" (preferred) or "mouses."

Is "mouse" an abbreviation?
No. Some people assume that mouse is an abbreviation for "manually-operated user-select equipment." However, when Douglas Engelbart assisted in the invention of the mouse, he named it after the rodent.

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