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22 Sept 2023

Difference between Input and Output Devices By ZK-TECH

 Input VS Output Devices

Input VS Output Devices
Input & Output Devices

The combined use of input and output devices determines how well a computer system performs. 

We have made an effort to define "input" and "output" devices in this page as well as outline their distinctions. 

Candidates will find it extremely simple to pass the GATE exams if they are aware of the definitions and the distinction between an input device and an output device.

The following terms are covered:

  • Input Device
  • output Device

Understanding Input Device

Anything given to the computer is called Input. 
Examples: keyboard, mouse.
Input Devices
Input Devices

A physical component attached to the computer system that regulates the signals and transmits data to the computer for processing is known as an input. 

Computer input devices commonly include a touch screen, mouse, and keyboard. They are utilized right away to enter the data and instructions. 

Input devices can also include microphones and joysticks. The user can enter data and commands into the computer using these devices. 

An input device has the ability to send data, but it cannot receive data from another device. They are user-controlled and feature complicated coding.

Understanding Output Device

Anything given by computer to user is called Output.
Examples: speakers, monitors, printers etc.

Output Devices
Output Devices

An output device is a piece of hardware used to accept data from the computer, such as text, images, touch, audio, and video, to carry out a task. 

The output devices replicate, interpret, or present the outcomes of the data processing. 

The following are some examples of output devices: a printer, a monitor, speakers, etc. 

A device that produces output can receive input from another device and use that data to produce output. 

The user simply needs to view the outcomes because the computer controls the output devices; they are not required to understand the complete workflow.

What differentiates input from output devices?

An output device is connected to a computer that receives incoming data, whereas an input device is connected to a computer that puts out data to the computer. 

The output device copies or displays the data that was sent by the input device to the computer for processing. 

Certain devices can accept input and show output, although the majority of devices can only be used as input or output devices. 

Please refer to the table below to learn more about the distinctions between input and output devices.

Differentiation between Input and Output devices

Input Device

Output Device

It is a hardware component that is used to input information, instructions, or commands into a computer.

It is a piece of hardware that performs a task using information obtained from the computer.

Although it can send data to other devices, it cannot receive data from them.

Can both receive data from another device and emit data to that device. Data cannot, however, be transferred to another device.

For the computer to accept user commands and data to process, it is necessary.

Necessary if a computer is required to share its findings. Also, they aid in asking users for more details and commands.

Users can control these.

It's run by a computer.

There is complex coding.

Consumers do not need to understand the process because they only need to see the results.

Examples: Keyboard, webcam, microphone, joystick and so on

Examples: LCD Projection panels, printer, monitor, speaker and more

In this article we learnt about what is input and output and we also learnt about input and output devices. 

Now we know that What is input and what is output and their examples. We provided difference between input and output. 

If you have any question or any doubt you can ask me in comment box. And you can ask What I write next. And also share this post to your friends.

Thanks For Reading.

 Different Between Input And Output Devices

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What do input and output devices look like?
The computer uses input devices to help it receive user commands. The output device aids the computer in producing or presenting data to users. Numerous input devices are available, including a microphone, joystick, keyboard, mouse device, imaging scanner, graphics tablet, and others.

Is a CPU a device for output?
The central processing unit, also referred to as the CPU, is a processing device and not an input or output device. The central processing unit (CPU) is a computer's brain; without it, the system cannot function.

Scanners: output devices or not?
Due to the fact that data from a scanner always goes toward the front of the computer, it is regarded as an input device instead of an output device. The data being fed into the computer is what is causing this to happen.

Is a CD a device for output?
Both of input and output is the appropriate response. Compact Disc Read Only Memory is what the CD-ROM is officially known as. The memory is read from and written to using a CD-ROM. A recognized category of computer memory is CD-ROM.

A camera—is it an input?
Given that it can both take photographs (input) and send them over to your computer (output), a digital camera can be regarded as an input device as well as an output device (I/O device). What benefits come with utilizing a digital camera?

A DVD—is it an input?
Both "DVD drives" and "DVD players" are input devices, however a "drive" is a computer peripheral while a "player" is a DVD source for a TV or home theater.

A CPU produces data, not data.
A piece of hardware known as an input device enters data to be processed. A keyboard, mouse, or digital scanner are a few examples of input devices. Input and output devices include CPUs. When you use your computer to create a word document, for instance, you are using a CPU as both an input and an output device.

What are USB output and input?
Data is received or saved by a USB flash drive from a computer (input). Additionally, the drive outputs data to a computer or other device.

A motherboard is a type of input device.
An input and output device is the motherboard itself when it is fully populated. Temperature and power sensors are among the motherboard's input components. The circuits in output devices are those that regulate clock speed.

Are GPS devices used as input or output?
The precise location of the user is output via GPS technology, which functions as an output device. This information can then be interpreted by software on the GPS device or PC and used to offer a service to the user.

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