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8 Jan 2023

What is a Computer? Definition, History, Parts, Networking, Operating System, | ZK-TECH

What is Computer?
What is Computer?

What is a computer?


A computer is a programmable electrical device that takes in raw data and processes it with a set of instructions (a programme) to create the result as output. It produces output only after conducting mathematical and logical operations and has the ability to preserve the results for future use. It can do both numerical and non-numerical computations. The word "computer" comes from the Latin word "computare," which means to calculate.


The most commonly used full form of "computer" is "Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research."

. A computer is designed to run programmes and deliver a wide range of solutions via integrated hardware and software components. It uses programmes to operate and expresses decimal numbers as a string of binary digits. It also has a memory that stores data, programmes, and processed results. Hardware refers to the components of a computer, such as cables, transistors, circuits, and hard discs. Software, on the other hand, refers to the programmes and data.

Charles Babbage is credited with inventing the first computer, the Analytical Engine, in 1837. As read-only memory, punch cards were used. Charles Babbage is also recognized as the computer's father.


History of the computer


Most histories of the contemporary computer begin with Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, which was based on the mathematical theories of George Boole, the mathematician who first expressed the logic principles inherent in today's digital computer. Ada Lovelace, Babbage's assistant and colleague, is thought to have developed the concepts of programme loops and subroutines and is frequently regarded as the first programmer. Apart from mechanical calculators, the first really usable computers began with the vacuum tube, which was expedited by the creation of the transistor, which was subsequently implanted in huge numbers in integrated circuits, allowing the relatively low-cost personal computer to be realized.


Modern computers are built on the notion of "stored programmes," pioneered by John von Neumann in 1945. Essentially, the computer reads the programme one instruction at a time, performs an action, and then reads the next instruction.


What is Computer?
What is Computer?

From the mid-1900s until the present, computer progress has been classified into five generations. While the time period for each generation varies based on the source, the most widely accepted generational chronology is shown below.


1940 to 1956


Room-sized devices with vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for limited internal storage comprised the first generation of computers. For data entry, these computers utilized punched cards and binary machine code (language). The ABC (Atanasoff Berry Computer), Colossus, IBM 650, and EDVAC are examples of first-generation computers (Electronic Discrete Variable Computer).


1956 to 1963


Second-generation computers employed transistors instead of vacuum tubes, magnetic tape storage for improved storage capacity, BAL (basic assembler language), and punched cards for input. Transistors used less energy and produced less heat than vacuum tubes. Second-generation computers include the IBM 7090, IBM 7094, IBM 1400, and UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer).


1964 to 1971


Third-generation computers used integrated circuits (ICs) with multiple transistors and MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) memory. These computers were smaller, cheaper, and quicker than their predecessors, and they used keyboards for input and monitors for output, as well as programming languages including FORTRAN (formulaic translation), COBOL (a common business-oriented language), and C. The IBM 360 and 370 series are examples of third generation computers.


1972 to 2010


Fourth-generation computers featured VLSI (very large scale integration) integrated circuits and microprocessors, RAM (random access memory), ROM (read-only memory), and high-level programming languages such as C and C++. During this time, the World Wide Web and cloud computing (the capacity to supply hosted services via the Internet) significantly improved computer capabilities. Apple's Macintosh and IBM's PC are examples of fourth generation computers.


2010 and onwards


Fifth-generation computers are AI (artificial intelligence)-based, with large size integrated circuits and several CPUs (processors). Fifth-generation computers respond to plain language input, solve extremely complicated problems, make judgements based on logical (human-like) thinking, and employ quantum computing and nonmaterial (molecular manufacturing). Fifth-generation computers and programmes enable numerous programmes (and computers) to work on the same task simultaneously.


What is Computer?
What is Computer?

With the introduction of the Internet, cloud computing, and fast broadband data transmission, programmes and data can be distributed quickly and efficiently across a network, while application programmes and software make computers the preferred tool for word processing, databases, spreadsheets, conferences, ERP (enterprise resource planning), simulations, training, CMS (content management systems), gaming, and engineering.


benefits of using a computer


Increases productivity:

A computer boosts productivity. For example, with a rudimentary grasp of a word processor, you can simply and rapidly write, edit, save, and print documents.


It connects to the internet by:

allowing you to send emails, read material, gather information, access social media platforms, and more. You may connect with long-distance friends and family members by connecting to the internet.



You can store a sizable amount of data on a computer, including projects, eBooks, papers, videos, images, music, and more.


Data and Information Organization:

It not only allows you to store data, but it also allows you to arrange your data. For instance, you could create distinct folders to store various kinds of data and information, making it easier and quicker for you to conduct a search.


enhances your abilities:

It helps you write better English if you are not skilled at spelling and grammar. Similarly, if you are not strong at arithmetic or have a poor memory, you may utilize a computer to conduct computations and save the answers.


Assist the physically challenged:

It may be used to assist the physically handicapped, such as Stephen Hawking, who was unable to talk and relied on a computer to communicate. By installing specialized software that enables them to read what is on the screen, it can also help blind people.


keeps you entertained:

You may use the computer to listen to music, view movies, play games, and much more.


What is Computer?
What is Computer?

The computer has become an integral part of our daily lives. Many of the activities we do in a day are dependent on a computer. The following are some frequent examples:


Digital currency:

A computer retains a record of your activities and account balance, and the money placed in your bank account is saved as a digital record or digital currency.



A smartphone is a computer that we use throughout the day for calling, messaging, and surfing.



When you withdraw cash from an ATM, you are utilizing a computer, which allows the ATM to receive instructions and issue cash accordingly.



Computers are used in stock markets for day-to-day trading. There are several powerful computer-based algorithms that manage trading without the involvement of people.



Computers handle and perform all voice over IP communication (VoIP).


Types of computers


Computers are grouped into three types: general-purpose computers, special-purpose computers, and specialized computers.


This article is about general-purpose computers, which are what most people think of when they think of computers.


The most frequently used computer is a special-purpose computer, which is incorporated into practically all electronic equipment. This type of computer is found in ATMs, vehicles, microwaves, televisions, VCRs, and other household devices. More information and examples may be found on our special-purpose computer website.


Types Of Computer
Types Of Computer

A specialized computer, like a general-purpose computer, is designed to execute only one or a few tasks. For more information and examples of these computers, see our specialists' computers.


When you say "computer" or "PC," you generally mean a desktop computer located in a house or workplace. However, the distinctions between what makes these machines tick are becoming increasingly blurred. The following are some instances of what is now called a computer.

The following is a comprehensive list of general-purpose computers from the past and present.

Custom-built PC

Desktop computer

Thin client and workstation without a hard drive

Gaming computer

Hybrid computer

Notebook, laptop, portable computer



Nano computer



Personal computer

Prebuilt computer

Quantum computer



Stick computer




Who manufactures computers?


There are two sorts of computers available today: PCs (IBM compatible) and Apple Macs. Many firms manufacture and construct PCs, and if you have all of the essential computer parts, you may even construct a bespoke PC. Apple computers, on the other hand, are designed and manufactured only by Apple. See our computer businesses page for a list of firms that manufacture and build computers (OEMs).


Computer connections


Every computer has a unique set of connections. Our computer connections page has an illustration of the back of a personal computer as well as brief descriptions of each connection.


What components are required for a computer to function?

All of the above-mentioned components are not required for a computer. However, a computer cannot work without at least the following components:


Parts of computer
Parts of computer


A component that performs software and hardware instructions.



Memory is the principal temporary store for data that travels between the storage and the CPU.



The component that connects all of the other components


Storage device (e.g., hard drive):

 A slower secondary storage device that keeps data permanently.


However, if you simply possessed the bare bones of a computer, you would be unable to communicate with it until you attached at least one input device (e.g., a keyboard). You'd also need at least one output device (such as a monitor) to observe what's going on.

Related to Computer FAQs


What is the concise definition of a computer?

A computer is a device that receives information (in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates it to produce a result based on a program, piece of software, or set of instructions on how to process the data.


What is the best definition of a computer?

a programmable electronic device that accepts input, performs predefined mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and displays the results of these processes. Computers of various sorts include mainframes, desktop and laptop computers, tablets, and smart phones.


What are the five different definitions of "computer"?

a type of machine that operates on data rather than physical objects. (2) Machines that process symbolic representations of meaning (3) All-purpose devices for doing computations and data manipulations (4) Data storage, processing, and calculation computers that can be programmed


What exactly is a computer introduction?

Computer Fundamentals:

A computer is an electrical device that can collect data (input), process the data according to set rules, create information (output), and store the information for future use.


What is the full form of a computer?


The most commonly used full form of "computer" is "Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research."


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