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3 Oct 2023

CLI vs GUI Operating Systems _ Explain By ZK-TECH

CLI vs GUI Operating System

In this article you will learn about CLI vs GUI Operating System. There are two types of operating systems that are GUI ( Graphical User Interface) and CLI (Command-Line Interface). Now-a-days we are using GUI operating system. Because it is easy to use. But CLI is very harder than GUI operating system. Because user has to type commands and remember them for further use. In this article we will discuss difference between GUI and  CLI operating systems. Let's go...

CLI VS GUI Operating System

What is operating system?

An operating system is system software that provides an interface for user to interact with the computer. It controls the execution of all types of programs. A computer cannot do anything without operating system. 

An operating system is responsible to allocate system resources. These resources include memory , processor, disk space, and peripheral devices such as monitors, printers and modems etc.

Purpose Of Operating System:

There are two basic purposes of an operating system.
  • It manages hardware and software resources of computer. The resources include processor, memory and disk space etc.
  • It provides a consistent way for applications to interact with the hardware without knowing  all the details of the hardware.

What Is User Interface?

A user interface is used to interact with computer. It controls how the user enters data and instructions and how information appears on screen. Different types of operating systems on the basis of user interaction are graphical user interface operating system and command line operating system.

What Is Graphical User Interface (GUI) Operating System?

 A type of user interface in which the user communicates with the operating system by using a visual environment is called graphical user interface. It consists of windows, menus, icons and pointers. The user can select commands from menus and select icons by using a pointing device like mouse. Mouse is used frequently in graphical user interfaces. Most of the operating systems for personal computers use graphical user interface.

CLI vs GUI Operating System


There are four examples of graphical user interface operating systems.

Characteristics Of GUI Operating System

Some important characteristics of GUI  operating system are as follows:

Graphical Interface: Graphical interface increases the understanding of users. They easily understand the environment. 

Easy to use: GUI uses buttons, menus and icons etc. These are easy to use because the user does not have to remember the commands.

Easy to learn: GUI is easier to learn. The options are self-explanatory.

Attractive: The color, size and fonts of the graphical environment make it more colorful and attractive.

What Is Command-Line Interface (CLI) Operating System?

A type of user interface in which the user communicates with the operating system by typing commands with keyboard is called command line interface. The command line interface is difficult because the user has to remember commands. It generates and error if there is a slight mistake in the syntax of the command. DOS and some versions of UNIX are examples of command line interface.

CLI vs GUI Operating System


There are some examples of Command line interface operating system.
1. DOS

CLI vs GUI Operating System


Command line OS

GUI Operating System


It is difficult to use.

It is easier to use.



It provides more control of file system and operating system.

It provides less control of file system and operating system



Some command line environments provide multitasking but it is difficult to view multiple things on one screen.

GUI enables a user to easily view and manipulate multiple things at once.



Command line users need to use keyboards to execute command. An advanced command line interface user can perform something faster than and advance GUI user.

GUI uses the mouse for most of the commands. It is much slower than working in a command line environment.



Command line interface enables a user to easily script a sequence of commands to perform a task or execute a program.

GUI does not provide the facility to script a sequence of command.



I hope you understand this topic very well, and you also understands the CLI and GUI user interface. In the end you also understand CLI vs GUI Operating System. I request you to read some more FAQs about CLI and GUI.

If you have any questions you can ask me in comment box. I am always available for you here. If you like my content than share to your friends.

Take Care And Allah Hafiz.


What is CLI user interface?
A type of user interface in which the user communicates with the operating system by typing commands with keyboard is called command line interface.

What is GUI user interface?
A type of user interface in which the user communicates with the operating system by using a visual environment is called graphical user interface.

What is Operating System?
An operating system is system software that provides an interface for user to interact with the computer. It controls the execution of all types of programs. A computer cannot do anything without operating system. 

What is user interface?
user interface is used to interact with computer. It controls how the user enters data and instructions and how information appears on screen. 

What are the characteristics of the CLI user interface?

1. It provide very high security of your files.
2. No one can changes in the computer because it uses commands.
3. No one can start your computer because it starts with commands.
4. It provides high speed working.

What are the examples of GUI Operating System?
There are some most famous examples of GUI OS.
1. Windows 
2. Linux

What are the examples of CLI Operating System?
There are two famous examples of CLI OS.
1. DOS
2. Unix

What is the fulform of the CLI?
The fulform of the CLI Operating System is Command Line Interface Operating System.

What is the fulform of the GUI OS?
The fulform of the GUI OS is Graphical User Interface Operating System.
What is the Purpose Of Operating System?
There are two basic purposes of an operating system.
  • It manages hardware and software resources of computer. The resources include processor, memory and disk space etc.
  • It provides a consistent way for applications to interact with the hardware without knowing  all the details of the hardware.
Thanks For Reading 

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